U.S. shares with Iran, but not with Canada

September 22, 2015

The Des Moines Register

The below was written by Gary Wattnem. a retired U.S. major general, and chairman of the Iowa Vets4Energy.

Who's a closer ally of the United States: Canada or Iran?

It's not a trick question. Yet the Obama administration doesn't seem to believe the answer is Canada. Its nuclear deal would allow Iran to resume oil exports. Meanwhile, President Barack Obama continues to refuse oil from Canada by stalling approval of the Keystone XL pipeline.

That's both absurd and dangerous for national security. As we do favors for a country that finances global terrorism, we're shunning a longstanding friend who can help us achieve energy independence. President Obama needs to rethink his priorities.

Our relationship with Canada has long been a key component of our national security. Our 5,500 miles of common borders have been at peace for more than 200 years. Since World War I, both nations have worked together to defend freedom. Additionally, 90 percent of Canada's oil and gas exports go to America.

However, President Obama is jeopardizing this relationship by stalling approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, a proposed conduit connecting the oil sands of Alberta with existing U.S. pipelines leading to the Gulf of Mexico.

TransCanada, the company building the pipeline, is considering challenging our federal government in court to recoup damages from the arbitrary delay. Canada's leaders are warning that blocking Keystone XL will damage the two nations' relationship.

Meanwhile, the United States may soon allow Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism, to resume oil exports by lifting sanctions aimed at checking Iran's burgeoning nuclear weapons program. With the new deal, Iran could ship some 400,000 barrels of oil daily.

It's unknown how unleashing Iran's oil will impact America's security. But Keystone XL will certainly make America safer by helping us achieve North American energy independence...

Read more at The Des Moines Register.


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